Back Squat vs. Front Squat: Which, When, and Why

Back Squat vs. Front Squat: Which, When, and Why


“You’ve gotta squat” can be heard echoing through gyms worldwide. At face value, it’s undoubtedly useful advice. Squatting strengthens the entire lower body and builds muscle in the legs, while also working the core and upper-body stabilizers.

However, squatting isn’t one specific exercise; it’s a general movement pattern. Telling someone to squat is like telling them to eat. It’s well-intentioned but vague. Many lifters assume that the barbell back squat is the default “squat” and other movements are just variations.

Man in white sleeveless t-shit squatting with a loaded barbell across his backMan in white sleeveless t-shit squatting with a loaded barbell across his back
Ivan Kochergin / Shutterstock

While the back squat has plenty of its own advantages, it may not belong on that pedestal. The front squat can easily take the top spot. It offers several benefits the back squat can’t match and just might be a better overall choice for many lifters. Here’s a deep dive into learning which type of squat really belongs in your training program.

Back Squat and Front Squat

Back Squat and Front Squat Differences

Beyond the most visual difference — the barbell’s position — there are several key differences between these two primary squats.

Muscle Recruitment

The bar position during a back squat requires lifters to lean forward, somewhat significantly, during the exercise. This froward lean recruits more of the posterior chain — glute, hamstrings, and lower back — to maintain a stable upper body position. The lower back, in particular, is highly activated during back squats.

While lower back involvement can play a role in building overall strength, it can also be a limiting factor for lifters with pre-existing lower back problems.

In contrast, the front squat  significantly recruits the anterior chain muscles — abdominals, hips, and quadriceps. (1) Because the barbell is supported across the front of the shoulders, the load remains closer to the body’s center of gravity without causing any drastic forward leaning.

group of lifters performing barbell squatsgroup of lifters performing barbell squats
Credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock

This upright torso position reduces lower back involvement while increasing abdominal activation. The bar position during the front squat also requires more wrist and elbow mobility to hold the bar in place; the back squat typically requires more shoulder mobility to maintain a stable grip on the bar.

Interestingly, lower body muscle recruitment is more closely related to general squat depth than actual bar position. Achieving a deeper position in the bottom of a squat, whether it’s a back squat or front squat, will recruit more hamstring and glute muscle. (2)

Squatting to a relatively higher position — thighs roughly parallel to the ground or higher — will focus muscular stress on the quadriceps. The front squat has also been shown to increase activation in one of the quadriceps muscle heads, but not the entire muscle. (3)

The upright torso position of a front squat may often allow a lifter to achieve a deeper squat with less overall strain, but many lifters are able to reach comparable depths with a back squat.

Joint Strain

In terms of overall joint stress, the back squat is often considered to be more stressful to joint structures in both the upper and lower body. (4)

Because the load is supported across the upper back and requires an engaged lumbar spine (lower back) with a forward lean, the low back and hips can be placed under a significant strain.

The shoulder joint may also be stressed while supporting the bar across the back, especially for lifters with excessively tight chest or shoulder muscles, or pre-existing shoulder issues.

muscular person performing barbell squatmuscular person performing barbell squat
Credit: Dragon Images / Shutterstock

Joint stress can often be mitigated with certain adjustments to foot placement, stance width, hand position, and squat depth. However, the back squat generally has more potential to be rougher on the involved joints than the front squat.

That said, the front squat can stress the wrist joints because the bar is held in what’s known as the “rack” position, with the palms facing the ceiling and fingers under the bar near your shoulders.

Again, certain adjustments can be made to accommodate poor wrist mobility. Lifters can adjust their grip, use a crossed arm position, or attach long lifting straps to the bar for an easier grip. But the basic front squat movement and rack position can still potentially strain the wrist joint. The back squat places the wrists in a more stable and less stressful position.

Back Squat and Front Squat Similarities

Despite several physical and performance differences, these two primary squat variations share several benefits.

Movement Pattern

If someone confiscated your barbell and asked you to perform a body weight “front squat” and “back squat,” the movements would look pretty much identical. A squat is a foundational movement pattern; “front” and “back” refer strictly to the position of whatever weight you’re using. 

It’s what turn of the century lifters used to call the “deep knee bend” — simply bending your legs to achieve a deep squat position. Whether you’re holding a barbell across your back, supporting a barbell on the front of your shoulders, cradling a sandbag in your elbows, or holding a dumbbell at chest-level, you’re still squatting.

Both the front and back squat use the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes as active muscles to move the weight. The abdominals and lower back are recruited as stabilizers to maintain a safe and strong upper body position. The upper back, shoulders, even the lat muscles to an extent, provide further torso stability.

Either squat variation can be performed with a relatively wider stance or a more narrow stance, depending on the lifter’s goals and individual limb leverages. Both can also be performed to varying depths and different ranges of motion, which will slightly alter the lower body muscle emphasis.

Technique Differences Explained

While simply shifting the barbell’s position from the front to the back may not sound like a significant change, it initiates a cascade of differences which will affect technical performance of the lift and, ultimately, the overall results.

Bar Position

The back squat requires the lifter to support the barbell across their upper back and shoulders. To prevent the bar from sliding directly down the lifter’s back, the torso is angled slightly forward and the hands grip the bar on either side. This creates tension throughout the entire upper body, while activating the large back muscles, abdominals, and lower back for stability.

The front squat supports the bar across the front deltoids (front of the shoulder), typically placed close to the collarbones or neck. The rack position requires the lifter to bend their arms and maintain the bar’s position with their hands, or fingers, on the bar.

This front-loaded position requires the shoulders, biceps, and forearms to support the weight. The upper back is also worked isometrically to keep the bar close to the body, and the abdominals are significantly activated to work against the compressive force of the weight.

Body Posture

The angled torso position of the back squat is necessary to counterbalance the load, which puts the lower back into a more active role as a stabilizer. General hip position during the back squat may make it challenging for some lifters to reach a relatively low depth in the bottom position unless they have a high level of hip mobility.

The front squat, due to the more upright torso position, allows lifters to more naturally “sink” into a deeper squat position in the bottom with relatively less strain on their hips, knees, and low back.

tattooed person performing front squattattooed person performing front squat
Credit: AntGor / Shutterstock

The rack position does require significant upper back strength and the lifter must resist the weight pulling their upper back into a rounded position, while the back squat will typically see lifters falling into a rounded lower back position.

How to Back Squat

Begin with the bar set in a rack at roughly upper-chest level. Dip beneath the bar and place it across your upper back and shoulders. The bar should not rest directly on your neck or spine.

Grab the bar with both hands facing forward. Pinch your shoulder blades together and pull your elbows under the bar to form a stable “shelf” of muscle to support the load. Stand up to unrack the bar, and take one or two small steps backwards.

Step to the side with one foot to set your stance width. Brace your core and push your hips back as you bend your knees. Keep your feet flat throughout the entire repetition. Reach an appropriate depth based on your goals and general mobility. Aiming to have your thighs parallel to the ground is an effective compromise for muscle-building and strength gains. (5)

Form Tip: Squeezing the bar in your hands can contribute to total-body tightness and stability. (6) To ensure a tight upper body and improve power output, grip the barbell hard before unracking and try to crush the bar during each repetition.


  • The back squat is the ideal squat variation for building overall strength. The overall body position maximizes leverage and allows significantly heavy weight to be moved.
  • This exercise is sport-specific for competitive powerlifters, as it is one of the movements performed in meets.
  • Because the back squat allows potentially heavier loads to be used, it can be useful for building size and strength together. (7)

Back Squat Variations

The back squat is, itself, one specific squat variation, but there are several similar variations which offer comparable or unique benefits while reducing potential drawbacks like lower back strain.

High-Bar Back Squat

This subtle adjustment to the back squat shifts the bar position higher on the upper back and traps. The slight change in leverage allows the lifter to maintain a more upright torso, which reduces lower back strain and allows a more natural deep squat in the bottom position.

The vertical torso position also encourages a closer stance, which affects squat depth and lower-body muscle recruitment.

Safety Bar Squat

The safety bar is one of the most unique-looking barbells you’ll find in a gym. The extra-thick padding and angled bar sleeves shifts the barbell’s center of gravity, while the forward-facing handles allow a neutral grip which reduces shoulder strain.

The safety bar squat decreases lower back involvement while increasing activation of the upper back muscles.

How to Front Squat

Begin with a barbell in a rack slightly below your collarbones. Grab the bar slightly outside shoulder-width, using a palms-down grip. Approach the bar and allow your arms to bend. Your elbows should point forward as the bar rests on the fronts of your shoulders.

Keep your abs fully engaged and maintain a straight back. Straighten your legs to unrack the bar. Take one or two steps backwards and one step to the side to establish your stance width. Flex your core as you stabilize the weight.

Bend your legs and descend as low as possible. Keep your shoulders pulled back and your upper body vertical as you lower into the bottom position.

Form Tip: Don’t allow your elbows to point down. The barbell, and your torso, will follow your elbows — if they drift down, the weight will fall forward and the lift will fail. Keep your elbows aimed as straight-ahead as possible to ensure a strong and stable body position.


Front Squat Variations

While the front squat can be performed with several grip variations (basic rack position, cross-arm, or using straps), there are other effective front-loaded squat variations which may be more appropriate for certain lower body workouts, depending on the lifter’s goal.

Goblet Squat

The goblet squat combines the front-loaded, lower back-sparing benefits of a front squat with the simple versatility of a single dumbbell or kettlebell.

The movement is often used to introduce the squat movement pattern to beginners, improve lower body mobility, or as a warm-up for more experienced lifters. However, with sufficient load, intensity, and volume, the goblet squat can be a serious muscle-builder.

Zercher Squat

Named after a popular American weightlifter from the 1930s, the Zercher squat is performed with the barbell supported in the crooks of the elbows rather than in the hands. This removes some of the elbow and shoulder mobility requirements of a front squat, but can sometimes be simply uncomfortable due to the pressure of the weight on the elbows.

Because the barbell is even closer to the hips and the body’s center of gravity, you can maintain an extremely rigid and upright torso. This nearly eliminates lower back strain and heavily recruits the abdominal muscles. The Zercher squat has significant carryover to competitive strongmen/strongwomen, who often compete in events while carrying front-loaded odd objects.

Programming the Back Squat and Front Squat

Choosing the most effective squat variation will depend primarily on your training goal. Individual mobility restrictions, such as pre-existing back pain or hip or ankle issues, may also influence programming.

Sport-Specific Training

While many strength sports require athletes to perform specifically a back squat or specifically a front squat in competition, such as powerlifting Olympic weightlifting, respectively, both movements can be used in a training phase.

Competitive strongmen/strongwomen and CrossFit athletes can benefit from incorporating both movements into their training, since their competitions are more diverse and they may need to perform either (or both) specific movements during a contest.

For Strength

When it comes to squatting for strength, the back squat reigns supreme. The back squat recruits the most total muscle from head-to-toe (or, more specifically, from feet to traps) and coordinates leverage and technique to allow massive weights to be moved.

That’s why it’s one of the big three powerlifts — because it’s an ideal movement for assessing (and building) strength. For context, the highest back squat of all time is in the ballpark of 1,100 pounds while the heaviest-ever front squat, by comparison, is closer to 800 pounds.

For Muscle

Squatting is considered a foundational exercise for beginners looking to build a base of strength, as well as muscle. It’s also a time-tested staple in bodybuilding leg workouts. As a leg-building exercise, the back squat is more than adequate. It puts multiple body parts, including the glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps, through muscle-building time under tension. (9)

However, relatively few experienced bodybuilders continue training the standard back squat, and instead fit the front squat or a variety of other squat or deadlift variations into their leg routine to more efficiently target specific muscle groups and emphasize individual body parts.

To make a long story short (too late)… what they say is right — you do gotta squat. But despite what the powerlifting-inspired coaches tell you, you don’t “have to” back squat. And despite what the athletic-based coaches tell you, you don’t “have to” front squat. All you do have to to do make a fully informed programming decision based on your specific goals and your individual capabilities.


  1. Yavuz, H. U., Erdağ, D., Amca, A. M., & Aritan, S. (2015). Kinematic and EMG activities during front and back squat variations in maximum loads. Journal of sports sciences, 33(10), 1058–1066.
  2. Kubo, K., Ikebukuro, T., & Yata, H. (2019). Effects of squat training with different depths on lower limb muscle volumes. European journal of applied physiology, 119(9), 1933–1942.
  3. Coratella, G., Tornatore, G., Caccavale, F., Longo, S., Esposito, F., & Cè, E. (2021). The Activation of Gluteal, Thigh, and Lower Back Muscles in Different Squat Variations Performed by Competitive Bodybuilders: Implications for Resistance Training. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(2), 772.
  4. Gullett, Jonathan C; Tillman, Mark D; Gutierrez, Gregory M; Chow, John W. A Biomechanical Comparison of Back and Front Squats in Healthy Trained Individuals. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: January 2009 – Volume 23 – Issue 1 – p 284-292 doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e31818546bb
  5. Clark, D. R., Lambert, M. I., & Hunter, A. M. (2012). Muscle activation in the loaded free barbell squat: a brief review. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 26(4), 1169–1178.
  6. Abreu, R., Lopes, A. A., Sousa, A. S., Pereira, S., & Castro, M. P. (2015). Force irradiation effects during upper limb diagonal exercises on contralateral muscle activation. Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology, 25(2), 292–297.
  7. Schoenfeld, Brad J.; Peterson, Mark D.; Ogborn, Dan; Contreras, Bret; Sonmez, Gul T.. Effects of Low- vs. High-Load Resistance Training on Muscle Strength and Hypertrophy in Well-Trained Men. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: October 2015 – Volume 29 – Issue 10 – p 2954-2963 doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000000958
  8. Bird, Stephen P. PhD, CSCS1; Casey, Sean BSKin, BSNutr, CSCS2. Exploring the Front Squat. Strength and Conditioning Journal: April 2012 – Volume 34 – Issue 2 – p 27-33 doi: 10.1519/SSC.0b013e3182441b7d
  9. Burd, N. A., Andrews, R. J., West, D. W., Little, J. P., Cochran, A. J., Hector, A. J., Cashaback, J. G., Gibala, M. J., Potvin, J. R., Baker, S. K., & Phillips, S. M. (2012). Muscle time under tension during resistance exercise stimulates differential muscle protein sub-fractional synthetic responses in men. The Journal of physiology590(2), 351–362.

Featured Image: Ihor Bulyhin / Shutterstock


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Bodybuilder Samson Dauda Weighs a Mind-Blowing 330 Pounds in Prep for 2022 Mr. Olympia

Bodybuilder Samson Dauda Weighs a Mind-Blowing 330 Pounds in Prep for 2022 Mr. Olympia


Men’s Open bodybuilder Samson Dauda has had a competitive year in 2022, but he still faces an uphill battle to make the most of his upcoming debut at the 2022 Mr. Olympia. “The Nigerian Lion” is both figuratively and literally one of the biggest upcoming names in the sport — and an August 24 Instagram post proves it

“The Nigerian Lion” regularly shares updates leading up to the upcoming 2022 Mr. Olympia, noting it’s his goal to have a strong performance at the contest. His latest freakish physique appears to be a step in the right direction. 

On August 24, 2022, Dauda shared a video on his Instagram where his upper-body and lower-body mass look colossal as he works through different poses. According to the bodybuilder, he weighs 330 pounds at the time of the clip.

[Related: The Best Landmine Workouts for More Muscle and Better Conditioning]

Per the caption of his Instagram post, 1989 Mr. Universe Milos Šarčev is Dauda’s coach. (Note: Šarčev also coaches Joe Mackey, another Men’s Open athlete, and Men’s Open Olympia contender Regan Grimes.) Dauda partly credited Šarčev for helping him reach his off-season training goal. 

“Finally ending this off-season at 330 pounds, the exact number we hoped to hit but not for one minute did I really think I was really going to achieve it,” Dauda wrote. “But [Milos Šarčev] had no doubt.”

Dauda’s Rise

Dauda earned his International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB) Pro League card in 2018. Ever since that point, the athlete has steadily improved performance-wise. According to NPC News Online, he came in 11th place at the 2018 Romania Muscle Fest Pro in his Pro League debut. The following year saw Dauda notch two top-10 performances in the 2019 Wings of Strength Pro (seventh) and the 2019 Vancouver Pro (eighth). (Note: Dauda has only ever competed in the Men’s Open category)

In 2022, Dauda is enjoying some of the best results of his career to date. The Nigerian athlete came in fourth place at the 2022 Arnold Classic and followed up with another fourth-place finish at the 2022 Boston Pro. Per the IFBB’s qualification standards for the 2022 Mr. Olympia, Dauda’s performance in the recent Arnold Classic earned him a whopping eight points in the standings. Dauda’s result in the Boston Pro garnered the athlete two points. Those results appeared to earn Dauda a berth in the 2022 Olympia — his debut at the contest. 

[Related: The Best Landmine Workouts for More Muscle and Better Conditioning]

Road to the Olympia

At the time of this article’s publication, Dauda appears to be deadset on making his debut at the Olympia this December a memorable one. After reaching his offseason goal weight-wise, the Nigerian competitor appears to be pushing himself and his strength to the limit with his appearance on bodybuilding’s grandest stage on the horizon. 

The 2022 Mr. Olympia will take place on December 16-18 in Las Vegas, NV. 

Featured image: @samson__dauda on Instagram


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Strongwoman Rhianon Lovelace One-Motions an Atlas Stone That’s Almost Double Her Bodyweight

Strongwoman Rhianon Lovelace One-Motions an Atlas Stone That’s Almost Double Her Bodyweight


Rhianon Lovelace didn’t become one of the world’s top-tier strongwomen without lofty training ambitions. The self-proclaimed “pound for pound, strongest woman on the planet” latest strength achievement has her join a club of impressive marks throughout her career. 

On August 23, 2022, Lovelace shared an Instagram clip of herself completing a 120-kilogram (264-pound) Atlas Stone One Motion. According to Lovelace’s caption, the feat was just short of double her current (undisclosed) bodyweight. Though, with this footage taken into account, and if her recent competitions are any indication — Lovelace likely weighs somewhere in the range of 64 kilograms (141 pounds).

The athlete wore a lifting belt and knee sleeves while lifting the Atlas stone. 

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Merits of the One Motion

A staple event in many strongwoman/strongman contests, the Atlas stones present a unique challenge to respective competitors. The stones are a regular closing event, meaning they can also decide the eventual victor in many contests. However, stone-only world records also exist in strongman and strongwoman competitions.

To gain an edge over their peers in lifting the Atlas stones onto their corresponding podium, many professionals will practice the “One Motion” which saves time and can be more efficient when executed properly. 

To perform an Atlas Stone One Motion, an athlete will bend over and get their upper abdomen as close to the stone as possible. They do this to limit the distance that they have to row the stone onto their body. Then, they squeeze the stone as hard as they can and lift it in a fashion reminiscent of a stiff-leg deadlift. After the stone passes their knees, they extend their hips and back in one smooth motion before placing it down. 

This technique often puts athletes in a better position to thrive in a speed-focused Atlas stone event. When it comes to lifting the heaviest stone, a more segmented approach — where the athlete lifts it off the floor, positions it in their lap, and then hoists it to the podium or over a bar — is usually preferred. 

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Lovelace’s Recent Path

As a competitor and in the gym, Lovelace has been on a relative tear of late.

In May 2022, the athlete broke the British raw deadlift World Record with a pull of 241 kilograms (530 pounds) at the 2022 British Powerlifting Union (BPU) Single Lift British Championships. Then, in late June, she completed an axle press that was 7.5 kilograms (16.5 pounds) more than the current lightweight world record. Her latest achievement was breaking the deadlift strongwoman World Record with a pull of 282.5 kilograms (623 pounds) at the 2022 Berkshire’s Strongest competition in mid-July. Notably, that deadlift was 4.5-times Lovelace’s body weight of 62.5 kilograms (137.8 pounds) for the contest. 

[Related: How to Do the Kettlebell Swing for Explosive Power, Strength, and Conditioning]

At the time of this article’s publication, Lovelace is preparing to compete in the 2022 Arnold Sports Festival UK. That contest will take place on September 23-25, 2022, in Birmingham, United Kingdom. Based on her usual high standards, the elite strongwoman might have a performance to remember.  

Featured image: @rhianon.lovelace.kaosstrength on Instagram


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How to break up your workout days

How to break up your workout days


Sharing some ideas how to to put your weekly plan together and break up your workout days to optimize performance and recovery!

Hi friends! How is the week going? I hope you’re having a lovely morning so far! I had a call with our amazing travel agent regarding spring 2023 travel (the best) and am putting the Fit Team workouts together for September. If you’d like to join us for Self Care September (focusing on workout nutrition and self care strategies), join us here! Anyone who signs up today will also receive a custom nutrition guide a thank you from me to you 🙂

For today’s post, I’m chatting about breaking up your workout days and how to do this strategically. I’m a big fan of split training throughout the week. It can help you strength different areas of the body, giving you enough time to recover, and also freedom to control the way you train.  Today, I’m sharing practical tips to help my reader friends break up their workout days and get the most out of their training routine.

(Please keep in mind that while I’m a certified personal trainer, I’m providing general information for educational purposes. This is not medical advice. Always seek out the help of your doctor before starting or changing your fitness routine.)

How to break up your workout days

Whole Body Split

This type of split involves a total body workout each time you train. The benefits of this type of training is that you’re able to use more fancy and *fun* compound-type movements, working multiple muscle groups at once, and due to peripheral action training, your heart rate may higher, which indicates a higher calorie burn during the workout. I like working total body for my beginner clients (focusing on bodyweight-only exercises first), and also my clients who have significant weight loss goals.

The downside of this type of training is that it may be harder to hit muscle fatigue, which encourages muscle growth, and that you shouldn’t ideally train your entire body two days in a row. I’d recommend alternating total body workouts with rest and cardio.

Upper / Lower Split

This is when you work your upper body one day (back, shoulders, chest, triceps, biceps), and your lower body on a different day (hamstrings, glutes, core, calves). The benefits of this type of training are that you’re able to strength train on consecutive days (upper body one day, lower body the following day), and  you’re more easily able to add volume and load to a specific muscle group. This can encourage muscle development, which is the *toned and lean* look so many of us are after.

My personal favorite way to set up a split is upper body one day, lower body the following day, and a total body circuit on a different day. This is how I set up most of our Fit Team workouts, too.

4-Day Split

For your four-day split, there are a few different ways you can do this:

upper body, lower body, and two total body days

and antagonist or synergistic muscle training.

Antagonist muscle groups

This type of training involves working opposing muscle groups, like chest and back one day, biceps and triceps the following, hamstrings and calves, and shoulders and calves (they’re kind of on their own lol). This is especially effective for superset-style workouts, because you can move directly from one set to the next, allowing the opposing muscle group to rest. (When one of the antagonist muscles is contracting, the opposing muscle is stretching.)

The main benefit of this type of training is serious muscle-building capability. If you’re looking for gains, possibly try out this style of training.

Synergistic muscle groups

This is when you use agonist muscles (the ones that work together to perform a movement). An example of this would be:

shoulders, chest and triceps,

legs and core

back and biceps.

This is another one of my favorite ways to train, and another great way to build muscle. I would recommend this type of training for friends who want to see serious muscle definition, improve their metabolism, and have three days to strength train each week.

Workout Split Samples

Your workout split will depend on different variables, including the equipment you have access to use, your current training level, what you enjoy (!), and your fitness goals. The key here is to figure out how many days per week you want to strength train. I like to hit each muscle group at least twice per week (on non-consultive days or within the same workout), and make sure I have at least 1-2 days of full rest each week.

If you need help planning out your workouts for the week, join us in Fit Team! I also have a free PDF here on how to create your workout schedule and set up your plan. If you’re looking for personalized training plans, my 1:1 coaching application is here.

Have a wonderful morning and I’ll see you soon!




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HIIT or Endurance Training? 7 Goals and How

HIIT or Endurance Training? 7 Goals and How


Exercise is generally separated into aerobic/endurance training and power/strength activities. Long-distance running is an example of aerobic/ endurance, whereas high-intensity interval training (HIIT) falls into the power/strength category.(1)

Are long, continuous endurance runs better for your training, or should you focus on high-intensity workouts? The answer largely depends on your training goal, fitness level, and enjoyment.

Table of Contents

What Is Endurance Training?

Endurance training is also known as “prolonged exercise training.” It is classically performed at a relatively low intensity over a long duration. Long slow distance training is one type of endurance workout. During long slow distance training, an individual sustains a submaximal workload for a longer time.(2)

Classic endurance training results in enhanced cardiac output, maximal oxygen consumption, and the development of new cells. The result? The ability to maintain cardio exercise for longer distances and times with ease.(3)

What Is High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)?

HIIT is performed with a relatively high load or intensity at a short duration. Typical HIIT workouts qualify as strength training exercises. You perform repeated bouts of work at close to maximal power for a short period.(4,5)

But, just because you’re doing interval training doesn’t mean you’re doing HIIT. For it to be high-intensity training, you’ve got to push yourself to your max with every interval. Studies show that most people overestimate their exertion levels.(6) Be honest and continuously adapt your workouts for progressive overload.

How Does Endurance Training Compare With High-Intensity Training?

Endurance training and HIIT demonstrate a similar energy consumption (i.e., they burn an equal amount of calories during the workout).(8) But how individuals adapt to the training depends on many factors, including:

  • genetics
  • gender
  • age
  • nutrition
  • training history
  • environment

HIIT Gear BannerHIIT Gear Banner

Furthermore, it’s rare for a workout to be purely endurance or strength training. Most activities combine endurance and strength.(9) Even cardio-focused HIIT, like cycling intervals, will likely develop strength.

Ultimately, both HIIT and endurance training make you stronger, increase your stamina and cardiac output, help you lose weight and fat, and positively impact your fitness.

Studies show that short-term, intense exercise can lead to endurance adaptations. Inversely, low-load training approaching failure can lead to strength adaptations. If you challenge yourself, you’ll see results, no matter the type of workout.(10)

Thoughtful Workout Programming

When planning your HIIT and endurance exercise routines, the adage of “too much, too soon” holds. Studies show that simultaneously increasing strength and endurance training volume impedes progress.(11,12,13)

Goals-Based Training Program

Now that you understand how endurance and interval training at high intensities affect your fitness, it’s time to set some goals! Find your objectives and how to achieve them in the list below. Then, use the Find the HIIT series on the adidas Training app!

Goal 1: Get Started

Do This:

Lower-intensity HIIT and endurance training


Have you just taken up running and still find it difficult to run for longer periods of time without stopping? Then you should begin with low-intensity intervals. Try running for short intervals followed by walking rests so you can recover. You can find a good program for beginners in our blog post, Go from Walking to Running with These Expert Tips!

Goal 2: Improve Race Times

Do This: 

Endurance training and HIIT


An effective training program for improving your race time is built like a pyramid:

  • The stable foundation is composed of longer runs to build your aerobic capacity.
  • You can enhance your base by improving your running form and performing strengthening, stabilizing, and stretching exercises.
  • The top of the pyramid consists of race-specific maximum efforts like tempo runs and high-intensity intervals.

Goal 3: Run Half Marathons And Longer Races

Do This: 

Endurance training*


If you want to finish a half marathon or longer, you must first put in the mileage. Long, low-intensity runs make up the majority of your preparation. In particular, this helps your tendons, ligaments, bones, and working muscles get used to sustained impact. This helps to prevent overuse and injury. Long-distance runs increase your aerobic endurance and streamline your running form. 

*Note: If you want to run a sub-3 hour marathon, you not only have to train at high volumes, but you also need to incorporate speed work and high-intensity interval training into your training plan.

Goal 4: Run 10Ks And Shorter Races

Do This: 

HIIT and HIIT sprints


High-intensity intervals are crucial for short-distance races like five and ten kilometers. The shorter the race, the more fast-paced and intense workouts you should do. For races of up to ten kilometers, you usually run at or above your anaerobic or lactate threshold. This is the level at which the oxygen is no longer sufficient to metabolize the accumulating lactate (lactic acid) caused by high-intensity exercise.

High-intensity interval training and challenging tempo runs at race speed are good ways of building up your body’s tolerance to high lactate levels. This not only improves your lactate tolerance and pace endurance but also increases your VO2 max. 

Goal 5: Lose Weight

Do This: 



The best workouts for losing weight are those that help you achieve a negative energy balance (where more calories are burned than consumed). High-intensity intervals burn a high amount of calories in a short period of time. The high intensity of the workout puts a lot of strain on your muscles. The process of rebuilding and repairing your muscle tissue after the workout requires additional energy, and the afterburn effect continues to burn calories post-exercise. HIIT leads to a greater afterburn than endurance training.(14)

Is HIIT Making You Hungry?

Try endurance training if you’re trying to lose weight but feel extra hungry after your HIIT workouts. Your intense exercise might be dysregulating your appetite. Longer, more relaxed activities may soothe your hunger hormones and maintain a negative energy balance.(15)

Goal 6: Build Strength

Do This: 



HIIT workouts are more likely to increase muscle mass throughout the body. Muscles get bigger when exercised to fatigue (or very close). Since HIIT aims to train as hard as possible with every interval, these workouts are likely to develop total-body strength.

But if you’re new to exercise or returning after a break, any workout will increase your muscle mass. So beginners can use endurance training to achieve their strength development goals. Once you get over the initial training hump, avoid a plateau by adding HIIT.

Goal 7: Lose Fat

Do This:

Endurance training


Generally speaking, endurance training is a fat-burning activity. When you run, cycle, or exercise at around 60% effort, your body uses fat as fuel. Anything about that switches to glycogen and acid for energy (like when you reach your maximal output during HIIT). 

After an initial fat loss stage, start incorporating HIIT into your workout program. HIIT workouts increase muscle mass more than endurance training. Muscles increase metabolism, helping you use more fat during the day (even when resting). 

For more information on the mechanisms of exercise for fat loss, see this blog post: How To Burn Fat Running.

It Gets Easier!

Tough training sessions are very hard on the body and require a lot of recovery time. The better your base is, the more training your body can handle, and the less recovery time it needs after intense workouts. Or simply put, you can train harder and more frequently.

Create Your Workout Program

Endurance training and HIIT are equally important. Your exact workout plans are dependent upon your goals and lifestyle. Nevertheless, you should incorporate both styles of exercise to profit from the training effects of each.

Admittedly, going for an hour-long run requires less planning and knowledge than creating your own HIIT workout. To help, we’ve launched a new high-intensity interval training series on our adidas Training app. Let us guide you: 

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At 63 Years Old, Powerlifter David Ricks Deadlifts 628 Pounds for 5 Reps

At 63 Years Old, Powerlifter David Ricks Deadlifts 628 Pounds for 5 Reps


David Ricks has been a competitive powerlifter in some fashion since February of 1981. Now at the age of 63, the 10-time International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) World Champion continues to push himself with his strength and training to open eyes on sanctioned lifting platforms. 

On August 23, 2022, Ricks (93KG) shared Instagram footage of himself deadlifting 284.5 kilograms (628 pounds) raw for five reps. Ricks donned a lifting belt and wrist wraps to help him with the feat.

[Related: The Best Sled Workouts for Muscle, Strength, Fat Loss, and Recovery]

According to the Masters 3 powerlifter (ages 60-69), the staggering pull session is part of Ricks’ ongoing preparation for the 2022 IPF World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships. That contest will take place on October 8-15 in St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada.

Judging by how his 2022 competitive year has gone thus far, that may be another productive contest for Ricks.

In late February, while competing in the 93-kilogram division, Ricks took first place in both the Open and Masters 3 divisions at the 2022 U.S. Virgin Islands Powerlifting Federation (USVIPF) Classic & Equipped National Championships. He followed that performance with a first-place Masters 3 result at the 2022 IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships in early June. That contest also saw Ricks break three IPF raw World Records.

Here’s a rundown of his top stats from Sun City, South Africa:

David Ricks (93KG) | 2022 IPF Worlds Top Stats (Masters 3)

  • Squat — 305 kilograms (672.4 pounds) — Masters 3 IPF Raw World Record
  • Bench Press — 202.5 kilograms (446.4 pounds) — Masters 3 IPF Raw World Record
  • Deadlift —  265 kilograms (584.2 pounds)
  • Total — 772.5 kilograms (1,703.1 pounds) — Masters 3 IPF Raw World Record

According to Open Powerlifting, Ricks’ current Masters 3 raw world records are much higher than the next closest lifts. His squat is 65 kilograms (143.3 pounds) heavier than Jósef Gromek in second, his bench press is 45 kilograms (99.2 pounds) more than Ilkka Launonen just behind him, and his total is 117.5 kilograms (259 pounds) above Gromek once again. 

[Related: How to Do the Goblet Squat for Lower Body Size and Mobility]

In a career that spans back more than four decades, here’s an overview of Ricks’ all-time competition bests:

David Ricks | All-Time Best Raw Competition Bests

  • Squat — 325.5 kilograms (717.6 pounds)
  • Bench Press — 210 kilograms (462.9 pounds)
  • Deadlift — 325 kilograms (716.5 pounds)
  • Total — 830 kilograms (1,829.8 pounds)

[Related: How to Do the Kettlebell Swing for Explosive Power, Strength, and Conditioning]

Grinding Away

Ricks usually makes it a point to share noteworthy training feats on his Instagram profile in preparation for competition and otherwise. For example, before completing this most recent deadlift session, the Masters 3 powerlifter squatted 277.1 kilograms (611 pounds) for six reps in mid-August. A squat routine from July saw the athlete capture a 244.9-kilogram (540-pound) squat for an eight-rep personal record (PR). 

Whatever Ricks focuses on with his training appears to transfer well to official competition. That could make his next appearance in Canada a memorable one. The 2022 IPF World Classic & Equipped Masters Powerlifting Championships will occur on October 8-15, 2022, in St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada.

Featured image: @ricks.david on Instagram


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Powerlifter Ashley Contorno (75KG) Pulls Over Triple-Bodyweight, 523 Pounds for a New PR

Powerlifter Ashley Contorno (75KG) Pulls Over Triple-Bodyweight, 523 Pounds for a New PR


On August 22, 2022, powerlifter Ashley Contorno (75KG) shared an Instagram clip of herself completing a 237.2-kilogram (523-pound) mat pull during a training session. In the caption of her post, Contorno asserted that the feat of strength is a new personal record (PR) for her “worst deadlift variation.”

For a new PR, the lift didn’t seem difficult for Contorno, who pulled the loaded barbell off two thin mats with relative ease and erupted with joy when her lockout was successful. The athlete wore a lifting belt and used a mixed grip to help her notch the new deadlift PR. 

[Related: How to Do the Goblet Squat for Lower Body Size and Mobility]

According to Open Powerlifting, Contorno’s all-time competition best raw deadlift is 237.5 kilograms (523.6-pound). She achieved that pull at the 2021 World Raw Powerlifting Federation (WRPF) The Bucked Up Showdown. Contorno’s recent Instagram caption asserted confidence in a 540-pound deadlift the next time she’s on a platform.

After winning the 2022 WRPF Ghost Clash in the 75-kilogram division in February, recent months have seen Contorno stay busy with her overall training instead of formal competition. The athlete usually shares updates on her progress with similar clips of accomplishments in the gym. For example, Contorno captured a new raw back squat PR of 233.6 kilograms (515 pounds) in mid-August 2022. A few days before her back squat PR, Contorno completed a 137.4-kilogram (303-pound) squat with an additional 80 pounds of chains attached to the barbell. 

The 33-year-old Contorno isn’t new to the competitive powerlifting scene, having been involved in some capacity since January 2016. To date, she has participated in 15 contests, placing on the podium 11 times while winning on eight occasions. 

Here’s an overview of some of Contorno’s more notable results:

Ashley Contorno | Notable Career Results

  • 2016 United States Powerlifting Association (USPA) Arizona State Powerlifting Championships (Raw) — First place | First career victory
  • 2017 USPA Drug Tested California State Powerlifting Championships (Raw) — Second place
  • 2019 Southern Powerlifting Federation (SPF) Super Training Classic — First place (Unlimited); Second place (Raw)
  • 2019 USPA San Diego Fit Expo (Raw) — First place 
  • 2020 USPA Rise of the Valkyrie (Raw) — First place
  • 2021 WRPF The Bucked Up Showdown (Raw) — Second place
  • 2022 WRPF The Ghost Clash (Raw) — First place

Note: Contorno has competed raw in all but three instances throughout her career. 

[Related: The Best Sled Workouts for Muscle, Strength, Fat Loss, and Recovery]

Contorno’s Plans

At the time of this article’s publication, Contorno has not announced when she’ll appear on a sanctioned lifting platform again. Even if the athlete isn’t competing for the time being, she seems to be staying busy with her small business, the South Bay Strength Company — a powerlifting gym she co-owns with her husband Steven in Harbor City, CA. The 2022 WRPF South Bay Strength Company Boo Bash will be held at their gym on October 29, 2022.

In addition, per her LinkedIn profile, Contorno is a certified medical professional specializing in physical therapy. With that sort of health and strength background, it might only be a matter of time before Contorno starts making some of her recent training PRs official. 

Featured image: @veggie_lifter on Instagram


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Mr. Olympia Dark Horse Hassan Mostafa’s Latest Physique Looks Absolutely Shredded

Mr. Olympia Dark Horse Hassan Mostafa’s Latest Physique Looks Absolutely Shredded


At just 30 years old, Hassan Mostafa might have the best days of his bodybuilding career ahead of him. After winning the 2022 Puerto Rico and Orlando Pro earlier this year, the Men’s Open athlete earned his second-ever qualification to the upcoming Mr. Olympia contest, taking place this December. Roughly four months before Mostafa steps onto the Las Vegas stage for the second time, a recent training update shows the Egyptian competitor is preparing well for his debut. 

On August 22, 2022, Mostafa shared Instagram footage of himself flexing his muscles and showing off different ripped aspects of his current physique. Without a caption, what Mostafa’s body weight is in the clip is unclear. All that is evident is that his arms, legs, back, and chest look impressive as he displays them one by one. His lower-body vascularity is also very apparent. 

[Related: Everything You Need to Know About How to Burn Fat]

According to NPC News Online, Mostafa began his International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB) Pro League career in early 2019. Since then, the athlete has steadily tried to rise up the Men’s Open Division ranks.

Mostafa’s first Pro League contest saw the athlete earn a third-place result at the 2019 Indy Pro. He followed that with a fifth-place finish at the 2019 Tampa Pro. Eventually, after stringing together a few solid performances over the years, Mostafa made his first Mr. Olympia appearance during the 2021 edition. He finished in 13th place. 

The year 2022 has been the most productive for Mostafa thus far, as the Puerto Rico and Orlando Pro competitions were the first wins of his career. Here’s a rundown of Mostafa’s Pro League resume:

Hassan Mostafa | IFBB Pro League Career Results 

  • 2019 Indy Pro — Third place
  • 2019 Tampa Pro — Fifth place
  • 2020-2021 New York Pro — Fourth place (2020), Third place (2021)
  • 2021 California Pro — Third place
  • 2021-2022 Puerto Rico Pro — Third place (2021) | First place (2022); First career victory
  • 2021 Chicago Pro — Sixth place
  • 2021 Texas Pro — Fifth place
  • 2021 Arnold Classic — Ninth place
  • 2021 Mr. Olympia — 13th place
  • 2022 Orlando Pro — First place

Note: Mostafa has only ever competed in the Men’s Open division as an IFBB Pro League member.

[Related: The Best Sled Workouts for Muscle, Strength, Fat Loss, and Recovery]

Mostafa’s Challenge

To push as a dark horse in December’s Olympia, Mostafa will have to overcome a host of worthy Men’s Open athletes. Among the more notable names, there’s the son of a bodybuilding legend in Hunter Labrada, one of the sport’s bigger rising stars in Nick Walker, former Olympia champion Brandon Curry (2019), and last but not least — two-time defending champ (2020-2021) Mamdouh “Big Ramy” Elssbiay. Plus, in the event he earns his IFBB Pro Card in time, there’s also promising newcomer Michal Križánek

It’s a tall order for any athlete, let alone an elite bodybuilder like Mostafa. Yet, anything might be possible if he can carry the momentum of a strong 2022 into the Olympia. The 2022 Mr. Olympia will occur on December 16-18 in Las Vegas, NV. 

Featured image: @hassan_mostafa92 on Instagram


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HIIT Training: Nutrition for More Power

HIIT Training: Nutrition for More Power


High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, is what many athletes consider the best way to get in shape and lose weight. The high intensity intervals boost metabolism and stimulate fat burning. A balanced, healthy diet is key for optimal results. We’ll tell you what to eat before a HIIT workout and after.

What is HIIT training?

The name says it all: High-intensity interval training alternates phases of intense exercise with short recovery periods. This makes you sweat a lot. Many athletes consider this anaerobic training the most effective way to improve endurance.

Benefits of HIIT

HIIT workouts offer a multitude of benefits. They are great for cardiovascular health, excellent calorie burners, and improve your performance in other sports. Find out more in our blog post Top 6 HIIT Benefits.

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What to Eat Before HIIT and Afterward

What to eat before a HIIT workout 

Do you like to exercise on an empty stomach in the morning? HIIT is one of the best ways to burn calories and reduce body fat.(1) If you feel strong, there’s no reason why you can’t work out before breakfast. However, remember that you need carbs to keep going during your workout. They give you the energy you need to push yourself. If you don’t eat before working out, your performance and stamina will likely suffer.(2

Have a high-carb snack a few hours before your HIIT workout: 

  • banana and a handful of nuts 
  • oatmeal with almond milk, berries, and nuts
  • granola bar
  • toast with pure nut butter or avocado
  • smoothie

Remember to hydrate!

Always keep a bottle of water within reach during your workouts. HIIT makes you thirsty. You don’t need sports drinks to hydrate effectively.

Did you know? Coffee before a workout can boost your performance.(3) An espresso (without milk or sugar) gives you a natural boost. 

What to eat after a HIIT workout 

Focus on recovery after your HIIT training. Have something to eat within an hour after your workout to repair the damaged muscle tissue and refill your glycogen stores.(4) Your focus after HIIT should be on protein, but make sure to combine it with carbohydrates:

  • veggie omelet with a slice of whole-grain bread 
  • protein smoothie
  • Greek yogurt with berries 
  • sautéed chicken or tofu with oven-roasted sweet potatoes 


There are many benefits of HIIT workouts. You’ll get the most out of your training if you give your body the energy it needs to really explore your limits. The right nutrition helps you perform your best during HIIT training and supports your muscles during recovery. Give yourself the right fuel to work hard and feel great!


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HIIT Workout Plus Strength Training and Running

HIIT Workout Plus Strength Training and Running


High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is hugely popular and undoubtedly effective. But what if there was an even better way to work out? Read how HIIT, strength training, and running combine for the ultimate workout plan.

What is a HIIT workout?

As the name suggests, HIIT workouts involve short (typically no more than 1 minute) but high-intensity (>80% max. heart rate) bouts of exercise, followed by active recovery (∼60% max. heart rate). The interval-recovery cycle is repeated several times for a total workout of approximately 20 minutes. The typical interval to recovery ratio is 1:1 or 1:2, meaning that for every 30-second interval, active recovery is between 30 and 60 seconds long, but of course, there are exceptions.

HIIT has become a global phenomenon. It was listed as the number one fitness trend between 2014 and 2018 and remains in the top 10 in 2022 [1]. But its increased popularity, especially extreme variations of HIIT, has led to concern over increased injury rates[2]

Although HIIT workouts are a time-efficient way to improve cardiorespiratory fitness, if you want to focus on improving bone density and flexibility, other kinds of workouts would be more effective than HIIT.  

Lifelong health and fitness are built on more than high-intensity intervals. In this article, we explain the benefits of HIIT, strength training, and running and how to combine them for maximum effect.  

What are the benefits of HIIT?

  1. Heart and lung health – HIIT is a proven and effective way to improve cardiorespiratory fitness.[3] [4]
  2. Body composition – The excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) that follows a HIIT workout results in more calories burned – the so-called afterburn effect. HIIT also improves insulin sensitivity and body composition, maintaining muscle while reducing fat.[5] [6]
  3. Performance – HIIT increases maximal aerobic capacity (V̇O₂ max) and lactate threshold (the point at which lactic acid production exceeds removal).[7] [8] Both V̇O₂ max and lactate threshold are key determinants of athletic performance.
  4. Time – HIIT improves fitness in less time than conventional steady-state workouts.[9] A single 4-minute interval completed three times a week for ten weeks was shown to boost V̇O₂ max by 10%.[10] Even 1-minute workouts can be as effective as 45 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise.[11]

HIIT for beginners?

Balancing interval and recovery duration is essential. Extended intervals with insufficient recovery lead to fatigue and demotivation and increase the risk of illness and injury, which is why it’s important to start with the basics to build a strong foundation as your body adjusts. 

Recovery is always a vital part of working out. Listen to your body; if you need to stop during a workout to catch your breath, do it. As you progress, you will build endurance and be able to push through the discomfort.  

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Training with Heart Rate

Heart rate monitors are increasingly accessible – in your gym equipment, as a chest strap, or built into your watch. Heart rate is an accurate and easy way to monitor the intensity of your workout. Keep HIIT intervals within 80 to 90% of your maximum heart rate (HRmax), and active recovery within 60 to 70% HRmax. Not sure how that feels? The Talk Test is an easy way to measure your exertion. Find out how it works by watching the Talk Test video in our HIIT Journey in the adidas Training app. 

Strength Training

Strength training uses resistance in the form of free weights, bodyweight, resistance bands, or machines to strengthen muscle, joints, and connective tissue.

Inactive adults lose around 5% muscle mass every decade. This is usually matched by an increase in body fat, bone loss, and a lower metabolic rate.  A well-balanced workout plan should include strength training to build muscle and increase bone density.

What are the benefits of strength training?

  1. Metabolism – Strength training increases metabolic rate due to the energy demands of building, repairing, and maintaining muscle. This elevation in resting metabolic rate keeps the body burning calories even after you’ve finished your workout.[12]
  2. Bone Density – Strength training increases bone mineralization and reduces the risk of osteoporosis, which affects 4% of men and 20% of women over 50.[13] [14]
  3. Range of motion – Strength training increases range of motion and flexibility as much as conventional stretching techniques.[15] [16]
  4. Injury prevention – Strength training reduces injury through fat loss and by strengthening joints and connective tissue.[17] 


Running adds versatility and variety to your training. In contrast to HIIT workouts, running doesn’t have to feel intense and sweaty. Here are four reasons to include running in your workout plan.

What are the benefits of running?

  1. Heart health – running increases life expectancy and improves cardiovascular health.[18]
  2. Versatility – running can build cardiorespiratory fitness, anaerobic power, and muscular endurance.
  3. Simplicity – running allows you to work out anywhere, anytime with no equipment – even barefoot!
  4. Feel good factor – The “runner’s high” is a real phenomenon thought to be caused by the release of endocannabinoids.[19]  Running outside can also improve mood through natural sunlight and vitamin D.[20]

A balanced workout plan goes beyond simple gains. Combining high intensity interval training with strength training and running targets all five fitness components using all three energy systems. Looking for a place to start? Try the workout plan below.

7-Day Workout Plan

This weekly plan includes three simple workouts with plenty of rest and recovery. Remember to start each workout with a warm-up and end with a cool down.

Day 1: HIIT workout

Day 2: Rest

Day 3: Strength Training

Day 4: Rest:

Day 5: Running

Day 6 and 7: Rest

Day 1: 12-minute HIIT Workout

Complete each of the four exercises below for 30 seconds at 80-90%HRmax. Follow each one with 60 seconds of active recovery at 60-70%HRmax. For active recovery, use Walking High Knees or Jog in Place. Repeat the round of four exercises. Total: 8 intervals in 12 minutes 

1. Plié Jump Squats

The plié jump squat variation is excellent for elevating the heart rate.<span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”> </span>

2. Mountain Climbers

This all-body exercise stimulates most major muscle groups.<span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”> </span>


3. Lateral Jump Touchdown

Lateral jumps add plyometric power to your glutes, calf, quads, and hamstrings.<span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”> </span>


4. Knee Tuck Crunches

Also known as seated knee tucks, these crunches engage your triceps, shoulders, and abdominals.<span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”> </span>

For other great HIIT workouts, explore the HIIT Journey in the adidas Training app. 

Day 3: Strength Training Workout

For an effective strength workout, follow these guidelines:

  1. Perform 8 to 10 exercises that stress the major muscle groups of the arms, chest, back, abdominals, and legs. 
  2. Complete 3 sets of 10 repetitions for each exercise.
  3. Lift and lower in a controlled manner – 2 seconds up, 2 seconds down.
  4. Each exercise has one direction that is harder and one that is easier. When you do a push-up, it’s harder to push up than to lower yourself back down to the ground. Time your breathing to exhale when you’re working harder and inhale during the “easier” part.
  5. Adjust the weight for each exercise so that the last repetition is hard to complete.

Day 5: Fartlek Running workout

Enjoy the freedom and creativity of fartlek running. Fartlek, meaning “speed play,” involves a low-moderate intensity distance run interspersed with periods of fast-paced running. 

Traditional Fartlek running is continuous and unstructured. Run fast or slow according to your mood and surroundings. Use hills and landmarks as inspiration—for example, sprint for five lampposts.

Playing with speed is a fun way to develop both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. Try the workout below to get started:

  1. Raise heart rate and body temperature with a 5-minute warm-up at low intensity
  2. Run continuously for at least 10 minutes at low-moderate intensity
  3. Allow your mood and the landscape to inspire your pace
  4. Include at least 30 seconds at a fast pace three times
  5. Follow each speed interval with 30 minutes at low intensity – jog or walk if necessary
  6. Cool down with a 5-minute walk at low intensity


Different types of workouts have different benefits for your health. HIIT workouts boost your metabolism and improve cardiovascular health. Strength training supports your joints and bone density while preventing injuries. Running is excellent for your heart and simple cardio you can do almost anywhere. Combine all three of these for maximum health benefits. Remember to listen to your body and adjust the intensity to your level and goals. Make sure to start our HIIT Journey in adidas Training for a complete introduction to high intensity interval training and how it can get you on track to holistic health.

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