Can dehydration cause high blood pressure? – Credihealth Blog


High blood pressure is a chronic illness in which the force of your blood is greater than normal and pushes against the walls of your blood vessels. Can dehydration cause high blood pressure? Dehydration occurs when the body lacks an adequate water supply. Dehydration occurs when the body loses fluid quicker than its replacement. Symptoms of dehydration are severe. When this condition is ignored, it may cause serious problems such as severe colds and kidney failure. Dehydration can also cause serious health problems. Continue learning about dehydration to know how to treat it and what signs you should take seriously.

What causes dehydration?

  • The absence of water in the body for longer, the state is called dehydration. When a person doesn’t drink an efficient amount of water during work, whether it is professional or personal, the inner metabolic reaction causes severe tiredness of the body, which leads to the accumulation of intracellular water molecules consumption, referred to as dehydration. 
  • When the body loses its fluid level to a certain extent, it cannot perform a normal function, which can even lead to a deviation in blood pressure. 
  • The vital limbic system doesn’t work properly. Withstanding normal body vital function during the state of dehydration is difficult. The main symptomatic behavior of the body is “exhaust.” 
  • Water is the second most important and required thing to maintain the functional properties of the body than oxygen. Metabolic activities strongly depend on the water at the biochemistry level. Water (H2o) maintains the electron transport system in oxidative phosphorylation.
dehydrated man drinking water
  • In medical and biological terms, blood pressure is the product of multiplication between cardiac output and stroke volume. But in Layman’s language, blood pressure is the force exerted by the vessels and capillaries to transport blood from one part to another.
  •  A series of complex systems occur in the heart to maintain the heart’s function. But overall, the RAAS system controls the blood pressure, which is the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in the kidney. It is the main controller of the body to check and maintain blood pressure (BP). Also, as kidneys, we all know that it is a master of water absorption and plays a sigma role in the filtration of urine and water.
  • So, there is a particular connection between the body’s water level and blood pressure of the whole system, as both are controlled by the kidney and RAAS system. 
  • If there is an abnormal level of water in the body, does it relate to blood pressure too? 
  • Let’s find out

Can abnormal water levels or dehydration cause high blood pressure and elevation of the heart pump?

It can be categorized into two major parts:

  1. Role of vasopressin and its deficiency 
  2. RAAS system (renin angiotensin aldosterone system)

Role of vasopressin 

  • Vasopressin is a hormone released by the body’s pituitary gland and controlled by the brain’s hypothalamus.
  • It is known as an antidiuretic hormone that stabilizes the H2O level.
  • Its main role is maintaining the fluidity or water level through various osmotic balances. Also, blood pressure flow into the arterioles, veins, and capillaries from blood flow is possible.
  • It helps provide ion flow throughout the fluid that controls the homeostatic environment of the biochemical system.
  • Deficiency of vasopressin can lead to severe consequences, and its major cause is dehydration, meaning that the body cannot balance appropriate water levels.
  • The major consequence is the elevation of heart blood pressure. During low levels of water or when the body is dehydrated, a constriction in vessels termed vascular resistance increases this process.
  • Hence, deprivation in water level that results in less release of vasopressin results in high blood pressure.
  • Therefore, due to deficiency in vasopressin and low water. Dehydration causes high blood pressure.

RAAS system (renin angiotensin aldosterone system)

  • Irregulating the RAAS system leads to high blood pressure.
  • This is due to deprivation in fluid balance as RAAS controls the fluidity of the body and helps in marinating correct ionic water balance that starts from the biochemistry of the kidney.
  • It regulates blood pressure by preserving electrolyte levels. This number of ions, like sodium, potassium, calcium, chlorine, and other inorganic complexes like bicarbonate ions, are included.
  • Not having a perfect RAAS system elevates blood pressure by not maintaining an accurate water level. When there is dehydration in the body, the kidney cannot function in basic reabsorption and tubular secretion. It results in a low capacity of water filtration through the renal tubes. This affects the glomerular rate. Higher the glomerular filtration rate, the higher the blood pressure. 
  • The irregular percolation of ions provides vasoconstriction of blood vessels, and due to this, there is an elevation in blood pressure.
  • Most hypertensive patients have this problem because the operative blood pressure is always high. Doctors recommend using tablets for kidney regulation so that the RAAS system can work efficiently, and drinking more water can benefit at a superior level.
  • Therefore, irregularity in RAAS is the answer to the question can dehydration cause high blood pressure.

Here we found the answer to the question, “Can dehydration cause high blood pressure? But what are the symptoms and prevention of high blood pressure?

Also read: Dehydration – Causes and Prevention

Symptoms of high blood pressure – 

  • Severe headache
  • Angina is chest pain
  • Irregulating urine flow due to dehydration.
  • Blood urine 
  • Heavy sweating
  • Constantly deeper breathing.
  • Anxiety attacks
  • Septic shock
  • Irregular heartbeat

Prevention of high blood pressure – 

  • Frequent rehydration
  • Stopping alcohol and smoking use
  • Regular exercise
  • Get enough sleep
  • Having a regular healthy routine diet plan
  • Maintain low blood sugar

How to prevent dehydration so that it cannot cause any serious problems in the body – 

  • Continuous intake of water – 

As drinking less water can cause dehydration. Avoiding less fluid intake can result in high blood pressure, increased sugar levels, bloating of the body, and kidney problems.

The fatty sweetener molecules like sugar and sucrose are highly susceptible to water absorption. A high intake of sugar can result in an irregular water level. This can also increase cholesterol levels by the unsaturated sugar molecules.

Vasoconstriction occurs and ultimately results in high blood pressure.

  • Consuming high water content fruits – 

Muskmelon, watermelon, grapes, mulberry, strawberries, oranges, and many more contain a lot of water. So having these fruits regularly can increase the water level to a great extent.

ORS means oral rehydration salt.

It’s a medicinal pharmaceutical powder used when a person is severely dehydrated. The main reason is due to severe abnormal water levels.

Dehydration can be in majorly two ways, either vomiting or diarrhea.

This causes the excretion of a high volume of ions and electrolytes. Thus, ORS helps in an instant increase in water level. It acts as the high dosage of glucose given through the medium of water.

Also read: 8 Tips to Prevent Heart Disease

When to take a doctor’s consultation?

  • When a person is feeling extreme dizziness, he/she should recommend doctors’ advice.
  • If a person has continuously hard sweats even during appropriate temperature.
  • When high blood pressure is recorded from a sphygmomanometer.
  • High blood sugar level
  • Constant vomiting and diarrhea
  • When a person goes under septic shock
  • Irregularities in heartbeat
  • Overload oh thirstiness =

Final thought – 

  • Whenever you experience dehydration, immediately drink plenty of water to control the homeostatic and water level system. In severe cases, take ORS.
  • Dehydration causes high blood pressure due to depression in vasopressin and irregular RAAS systems.
  • Always check the body level heat because there is excessive sweating due to high temperature, and blood pressure elevation chances are possible.
  • Life’s motto is always drinking plenty of water to keep life functions stable. 
  • During septic shock, always recommend a doctor’s consultation because, in rare cases, deaths are also possible during this stage.


What is a Normal blood pressure level?

130 (systolic pressure) by 90 (diastolic pressure)

What is a Severe case emergency solution for dehydration?

Always use the application of ORS (oral rehydration salt)

Does high blood pressure affect the functioning of the kidney?

Yes, the irregular tubular secretion and vasoconstriction as the RAAS system during high blood pressure does not work efficiently.

What is High blood pressure reading?

Mostly the readings recorded are 160/100 systolic pressure over diastolic pressure.

What are the Risks of dehydration?

Kidney failure, high blood pressure, dizziness, fever, headache, vomiting, and diarrhea. 


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